Within Franklin homes, the kitchen is often the most "used" room in the house. It's a meeting place for meals, for conversation, and for family. Unfortunately, that makes it a meeting place for bacteria, as well.
Along with bathrooms, kitchens are the most bacteria-heavy rooms in a home. Kitchens require a good, daily cleaning. This 4-minute interview on NBC's The Today Show shows you how to do it.
Using ordinary household cleansers and some elbow grease, you'll learn :
- Why sponges should be out of your kitchen and why loofahs should be in
- How to catch and trap fruit flies that spread germs and disease
- How to clean and disinfect porous cutting boards
You'll also get tips on removing stubborn stains from the bottom side of a frying pan.
The video is loaded with good advice and is worth a watch if only to learn a single sanitizing tip.
For example, did you know that you shouldn't soak wooden bowls or boards in water because the water causes the wood to separate, leaving it "open" to kitchen-borne bacteria? Or that, because of new soap-types, today's dishwashers should be regularly disinfected?
Keep your kitchen free from bacteria is a constant battle but, using the tips from the video above, you'll give yourself a fighting chance.